bfloat roots of polynomials

Thanks for the correction...I've been caught by this before.Maybe just

  (%i11) list_of_poly_coeffs(p,x) := (p : expand(p), 

  (%i12) list_of_poly_coeffs(prod(x + k * 4.2b0,k,1,5),x);
  (%o12) [1.568294784b5,8.52604704b4,1.66698b4,1.4994b3,6.3b1,1]


macrakis at wrote on 09/04/2007 02:11:08 PM:

> On 9/4/07, Barton Willis <willisb at> wrote:
> >   (%i4) list_of_poly_coeffs(p,x) := (p : rat(p,x),
> > makelist(ratcoef(p,x,k),k,0,hipow(p,x)))$
> Alas, this won't work for bfloats.  For floats, you can set
> keepfloat:true.  If I remember correctly, implementing keepfloat:all
> might be non-trivial because the rat package assumes that coefficients
> are atoms.  Or maybe it's enough to change its test (don't have source
> here at work).
>          -s