On 9/9/07, John Ogilvie <ogilvie at cecm.sfu.ca> wrote:
> 1. Is it too much to expect that an author of Maxima understand the
> distinction between "loose" and "lose"?
Yes. Many of the people working on Maxima are not native speakers of English.
> One illiterate and inarticulate Texan
Careful. You never know who might be from Texas.
> is doing tremendous damage in the world;
I'm flattered that you seem to think Maxima is so important.
> one might hope that others -- particularly those associated
> with universities -- appreciate the spelling of simple English words.
We're happy enough to accept mathematical contributions, even
at the price of minor errors of grammar and orthography.
> 2. When I differentiate %e^(-x^2) with respect to x, the output is
> correct, and the plot in two dimensions of that output appears correct.
> When I integrate %e^(-x^2) with respect to x, the output is correct, but
> no curve appears in a plot according to domain [x, -5, 5] and range
> [y, -1, 1]. Why?
I dunno, and for some reason I can't be bothered to puzzle it out.
Robert Dodier