Ismael Garrido wrote:
> Jaime Villate escribi?:
>> There is documentation for Openmath! Since Openmath is part of Xmaxima,
>> you should look at the Xmaxima manual. In Xmaxima, you will find the
>> manual in the "Help" menu, or you can read it directly from a directory
>> which should be something such as:
>> /usr/local/share/maxima/5.13.0/xmaxima/html/
>> If you cannot find the Xmanual in your system, you can read it in our
>> Website:
>> In particular, for the kind of plots you'd like to do, look at the third
>> figure in:
>> and the explanation of how it was done.
> Thanks for your answers.
> I couldn't find a complete command reference for openmath. Is there any?
> Googling for it is hard, since there's a completly unrelated standard
> named openmath about representing math equations.
>> There is currently no way to do those kind of plots directly from
>> Maxima, using plot2d, because I still have to figure out what to do in
>> the case of gnuplot and because I have many other features to implement
>> in plot2d/openmath (anyone willing to help, please jump in). You will
>> have to create a file with a command that will be read from Xmaxima.
>> Regards,
>> Jaime Villate
> Digging in the source I found that I can execute in maxima:
> :lisp (show-open-plot "plot2d -xfun exp(m*x) -sliders m=-10:10");
> And that will display the graph.
> I wanted to graph, for instance, e^x against it's Taylor series
> expansion of different orders and see how it varies when you change the
> order. I guess that's not currently possible. You'd have to make
> openmath evaluate the expression in maxima and then plot it, whenever a
> slider is changed.
> As for what to do with gnuplot, you could either disregard commands that
> can't be used there and issue a warning, or you could create a new
> command which specifically uses openmath and lets you access all the
> openmath goodness.
> Also, I want to thank you for openmath. Plotdf is great! It helped me
> understand differential equations.
> Bye,
> Ismael
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Sliders don't seem to work at present, but you can, of course, do the
following and get, more or less, a similar effect.
(%i40) h(n):= plot2d([exp(x), taylor(exp(x),x,0,n)], [x,0,10]);
(%o40) h(n) := plot2d([exp(x), taylor(exp(x), x, 0, n)], [x, 0, 10])
(%i41) h(3);
(%i42) h(4);
(%i43) h(8);
If you don't mind lots of windows, you can do
for i:5 thru 10 do h(i);
g(n):= plot2d([exp(x), taylor(exp(x), x, 0, n)], [x, 0, 10],
for i:5 thru 10 do
the windows open, one-by-one and you have to close them with the mouse