On 9/9/07, John Ogilvie <ogilvie at cecm.sfu.ca> wrote:
> Is it too much to expect that an author of Maxima understand the
> distinction between "loose" and "lose"?
There are doubtless many things that can be improved in Maxima, as in
every piece of software (free or commercial) I've ever worked with. Is
it unreasonable for users of
Maxima to submit bug reports specific enough that we can correct the problem?
Where exactly did that error occur?
> One illiterate and inarticulate Texan is doing tremendous damage in the world;
> one might hope that others -- particularly those associated with universities --
> appreciate the spelling of simple English words.
Many highly literate and articulate people can't spell very well -- I
know several
tenured, native English-speaking, humanities professors with prize-winning
books in that category. (Of course, the books have been proofread...) I don't
think they've done much damage to their reputations, let alone to the world.
On the other hand, ill-tempered rants do tend to reflect on their authors.
> When I integrate %e^(-x^2) with respect to x, the output is correct, but
> no curve appears in a plot according to domain [x, -5, 5] and range
> [y, -1, 1]. Why?
Again, a complete bug report would be helpful here. Please report the exact
configuration of Maxima you are using and the command you used for the plot.
I don't have this problem in the configuration I'm running (Maxima 5.12.0, GCL,
Windows XP, gnuplot, plot2d(integrate(exp(-x^2),x),[x,-5,5],[y,-1,1])).