Numerical problem


Thank you all for responding.  I still have a question regarding numerical evaluation.  This is part of a longer symbolic expressions which I am satisfied with.  I am not just trying to evaluate dot product (which in the case of symbolic expression can be verified to show that dot product is zero-as shown in the input).  When I remove 
keepfloat:true  I get very large numbers with exponents 10^.   I am  computing my symbolic expressions for some particular cases.  Am I losing precision when I see these large numbers due to ratsubst .   My numbers seems to be very manageable from numerical point of view.  Can I trust Maxima for numerical evaluations to back up my symbolic expresions?   Thank you.   


/**     A sample input  **/




   print("dot product of 2 vect in sol2");

/**  sample output of the same input with keepfloat:true replaced by false  **/

(%o1) [1,(-sqrt(4*t^2+q^2-2*p*q+p^2)+q-p)/(2*t),0](%o2) [1,(sqrt(4*t^2+q^2-2*p*q+p^2)+q-p)/(2*t),0](%o3) 0(%o4) 192.6988*sin(th)^2+4.9619*cos(th)^2(%o5) 4.9619*sin(th)^2+8.0665*cos(th)^2(%o6) 4.9619*sin(th)^2+2.4489*cos(th)^2(%o7) -7.69*cos(th)*sin(th)`rat' replaced 236.5444 by 61265/259 = 236.5444015444016`rat' replaced 8.0665 by 16133/2000 = 8.0665`rat' replaced 4.9619 by 10028/2021 = 4.961900049480455`rat' replaced 8.0665 by 16133/2000 = 8.0665`rat' replaced 4.9619 by 10028/2021 = 4.961900049480455`rat' replaced 4.9619 by 10028/2021 = 4.961900049480455`rat' replaced 192.6988 by 465753/2417 = 192.6988001654944`rat' replaced 4.9619 by 10028/2021 = 4.961900049480455`rat' replaced 192.6988 by 465753/2417 = 192.6988001654944`rat' replaced -0.06501950585176 by -50/769 = -0.06501950585176`rat' replaced 3.1046 by 15523/5000 = 3.1046`rat' replaced -187.7369 by -168400/897 = -187.736900780379(%o8) [1,(4485000*sqrt(894461110061138312575262099*sin(th)^4-23445005283459250158832198*sin(th)^2+
238263202973718267570099)+8361962780742334000*sqrt(259)*sin(th)^2-136031992742334000*sqrt(259))/(673894237060200000*sqrt(259)*cos(th)*sin(th)),0]`rat' replaced 236.5444 by 61265/259 = 236.5444015444016`rat' replaced 8.0665 by 16133/2000 = 8.0665`rat' replaced 4.9619 by 10028/2021 = 4.961900049480455`rat' replaced 8.0665 by 16133/2000 = 8.0665`rat' replaced 4.9619 by 10028/2021 = 4.961900049480455`rat' replaced 4.9619 by 10028/2021 = 4.961900049480455`rat' replaced 192.6988 by 465753/2417 = 192.6988001654944`rat' replaced 4.9619 by 10028/2021 = 4.961900049480455`rat' replaced 192.6988 by 465753/2417 = 192.6988001654944`rat' replaced -0.06501950585176 by -50/769 = -0.06501950585176`rat' replaced 3.1046 by 15523/5000 = 3.1046`rat' replaced -187.7369 by -168400/897 = -187.736900780379(%o9) [1,-(4485000*sqrt(894461110061138312575262099*sin(th)^4-23445005283459250158832198*sin(th)^2+238263202973718267570099)-8361962780742334000*sqrt(259)*sin(th)^2+136031992742334000*sqrt(259))/(673894237
060200000*sqrt(259)*cos(th)*sin(th)),0](%o10) [[1,-(sqrt(4*t^2+q^2-2*p*q+p^2)-q+p)/(2*t),0],[1,(sqrt(4*t^2+q^2-2*p*q+p^2)+q-p)/(2*t),0],0](%o11) [[1,(17940*sqrt(7772622138396313303552494099)+98167041485030664*sqrt(259))/(2695576948240800*sqrt(3)*sqrt(259)),0],[1,-(17940*sqrt(7772622138396313303552494099)-98167041485030664*sqrt(259))/(2695576948240800*sqrt(3)*sqrt(259)),0],40012173780069024051197027/13068951296713755566761314040000](%o12) [[1,-(0.065019505851756*(-sqrt((192.6988*sin(th)^2+4.9619*cos(th)^2)^2-2*(4.9619*sin(th)^2+8.0665*cos(th)^2)*(192.6988*sin(th)^2+4.9619*cos(th)^2)+(4.9619*sin(th)^2+8.0665*cos(th)^2)^2+236.5444*cos(th)^2*sin(th)^2)-187.7369*sin(th)^2+3.1046*cos(th)^2))/(cos(th)*sin(th)),0],[-1,-(0.065019505851756*(-sqrt((192.6988*sin(th)^2+4.9619*cos(th)^2)^2-2*(4.9619*sin(th)^2+8.0665*cos(th)^2)*(192.6988*sin(th)^2+4.9619*cos(th)^2)+(4.9619*sin(th)^2+8.0665*cos(th)^2)^2+236.5444*cos(th)^2*sin(th)^2)+187.7369*sin(th)^2-3.1046*cos(th)^2))/(cos(th)*sin(th)),0]]dot pr
oduct of 2 vect in sol2 (%o13) dot product of 2 vect in sol2`rat' replaced 236.5444 by 61265/259 = 236.5444015444016`rat' replaced 8.0665 by 16133/2000 = 8.0665`rat' replaced 4.9619 by 10028/2021 = 4.961900049480455`rat' replaced 8.0665 by 16133/2000 = 8.0665`rat' replaced 4.9619 by 10028/2021 = 4.961900049480455`rat' replaced 4.9619 by 10028/2021 = 4.961900049480455`rat' replaced 192.6988 by 465753/2417 = 192.6988001654944`rat' replaced 4.9619 by 10028/2021 = 4.961900049480455`rat' replaced 192.6988 by 465753/2417 = 192.6988001654944`rat' replaced 0.0042275361412065 by 259/61265 = 0.0042275361136048`rat' replaced 3.1046 by 15523/5000 = 3.1046`rat' replaced -187.7369 by -168400/897 = -187.736900780379`rat' replaced -3.1046 by -15523/5000 = -3.1046`rat' replaced 187.7369 by 168400/897 = 187.7369007803791(%o14) -(124038645614161686100000000*sin(th)^4-11289350153068005045300000*cos(th)^2*sin(th)^2+152770644164093639139729*cos(th)^4)/(117620562438370016951386500000000*cos(th)^2*sin(th)
^2)(%o19) (0.0042275361412065*(-sqrt((192.6988*sin(th)^2+4.9619*cos(th)^2)^2-2*(4.9619*sin(th)^2+8.0665*cos(th)^2)*(192.6988*sin(th)^2+4.9619*cos(th)^2)+(4.9619*sin(th)^2+8.0665*cos(th)^2)^2+236.5444*cos(th)^2*sin(th)^2)-187.7369*sin(th)^2+3.1046*cos(th)^2)*(-sqrt((192.6988*sin(th)^2+4.9619*cos(th)^2)^2-2*(4.9619*sin(th)^2+8.0665*cos(th)^2)*(192.6988*sin(th)^2+4.9619*cos(th)^2)+(4.9619*sin(th)^2+8.0665*cos(th)^2)^2+236.5444*cos(th)^2*sin(th)^2)+187.7369*sin(th)^2-3.1046*cos(th)^2))/(cos(th)^2*sin(th)^2)-1`rat' replaced 236.5444 by 61265/259 = 236.5444015444016`rat' replaced 8.0665 by 16133/2000 = 8.0665`rat' replaced 4.9619 by 10028/2021 = 4.961900049480455`rat' replaced 8.0665 by 16133/2000 = 8.0665`rat' replaced 4.9619 by 10028/2021 = 4.961900049480455`rat' replaced 4.9619 by 10028/2021 = 4.961900049480455`rat' replaced 192.6988 by 465753/2417 = 192.6988001654944`rat' replaced 4.9619 by 10028/2021 = 4.961900049480455`rat' replaced 192.6988 by 465753/2417 = 192.6988001654944`rat' 
replaced 0.0042275361412065 by 259/61265 = 0.0042275361136048`rat' replaced 3.1046 by 15523/5000 = 3.1046`rat' replaced -187.7369 by -168400/897 = -187.736900780379`rat' replaced -3.1046 by -15523/5000 = -3.1046`rat' replaced 187.7369 by 168400/897 = 187.7369007803791(%o20) -(124038645614161686100000000*sin(th)^4-11289350153068005045300000*cos(th)^2*sin(th)^2+152770644164093639139729*cos(th)^4)/(117620562438370016951386500000000*cos(th)^2*sin(th)^2)`rat' replaced 236.5444 by 61265/259 = 236.5444015444016`rat' replaced 8.0665 by 16133/2000 = 8.0665`rat' replaced 4.9619 by 10028/2021 = 4.961900049480455`rat' replaced 8.0665 by 16133/2000 = 8.0665`rat' replaced 4.9619 by 10028/2021 = 4.961900049480455`rat' replaced 4.9619 by 10028/2021 = 4.961900049480455`rat' replaced 192.6988 by 465753/2417 = 192.6988001654944`rat' replaced 4.9619 by 10028/2021 = 4.961900049480455`rat' replaced 192.6988 by 465753/2417 = 192.6988001654944`rat' replaced 0.0042275361412065 by 259/61265 = 0.004227536113
6048`rat' replaced 3.1046 by 15523/5000 = 3.1046`rat' replaced -187.7369 by -168400/897 = -187.736900780379`rat' replaced -3.1046 by -15523/5000 = -3.1046`rat' replaced 187.7369 by 168400/897 = 187.7369007803791(%o21) -40097501137496861237157027/13068951382041112994598500000000`rat' replaced 236.5444 by 61265/259 = 236.5444015444016`rat' replaced 8.0665 by 16133/2000 = 8.0665`rat' replaced 4.9619 by 10028/2021 = 4.961900049480455`rat' replaced 8.0665 by 16133/2000 = 8.0665`rat' replaced 4.9619 by 10028/2021 = 4.961900049480455`rat' replaced 4.9619 by 10028/2021 = 4.961900049480455`rat' replaced 192.6988 by 465753/2417 = 192.6988001654944`rat' replaced 4.9619 by 10028/2021 = 4.961900049480455`rat' replaced 192.6988 by 465753/2417 = 192.6988001654944`rat' replaced 0.0042275361412065 by 259/61265 = 0.0042275361136048`rat' replaced 3.1046 by 15523/5000 = 3.1046`rat' replaced -187.7369 by -168400/897 = -187.736900780379`rat' replaced -3.1046 by -15523/5000 = -3.1046`rat' replaced 187.73
69 by 168400/897 = 187.7369007803791(%o22) -40097501137496861237157027/13068951382041112994598500000000

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> Today's Topics:
>    1. Numerical problem (amli at
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>    3. Re: Numerical problem (Harald Geyer)
>    4. Re: Numerical problem (Barton Willis)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2007 21:41:42 +0000
> From: amli at
> Subject: Numerical problem
> To: maxima at
> Message-ID:
> <091220072141.21977.46E85D160002C1FD000055D922070209530704030E at>
> Hello,
>          I am having some  problem with computing a dot products.   It is 
> probably something simple that I am not seeing it.   Some of the lines are 
> redundant but I am keeping it because the problem shows up.   The dot product  
> is supposed to be zero but I get different number (last line).  Thank you.
> wxMaxima 0.7.3a http://wxmaxima.sourceforge.netMaxima 5.13.0 
> http://maxima.sourceforge.netUsing Lisp GNU Common Lisp (GCL) GCL 2.6.8 (aka 
> GCL)Distributed under the GNU Public License. See the file COPYING.Dedicated to 
> the memory of William Schelter.This is a development version of Maxima. The 
> function bug_report()provides bug reporting information.
> Here is the code
> /** 
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------- **/
> keepfloat:true;
>    sol2:[[1,-(sqrt(4*t^2+q^2-2*p*q+p^2)-q+p)/(2*t),0],
>    [-1,-(sqrt(4*t^2+q^2-2*p*q+p^2)+q-p)/(2*t),0]];
>    print("dot product of 2 vect in sol2");
>    radcan(sol2[1].sol2[2]);
>    print("make trig substitution")$
>    EA2:ratsubst(1.0-sin(th)^2,cos(th)^2,ev(sol2));
>    v1:EA2[1]$
>    v2:-EA2[2]$
>    p:192.6988*sin(th)^2+4.9619*cos(th)^2$
>    q:4.9619*sin(th)^2+8.0665*cos(th)^2$
>    r:4.9619*sin(th)^2+2.4489*cos(th)^2$
>    t:-7.69*cos(th)*sin(th)$
>    radcan(ev(v1.v2));
>    ratsubst(%pi/3,th,ev([v1.v2]));
> /**  Output   
> **************************************************************************/
> (%o1) true(%o2) 
> [[1,(-sqrt(4*t^2+q^2-2*p*q+p^2)+q-p)/(2*t),0],[-1,(-sqrt(4*t^2+q^2-2*p*q+p^2)-q+
> p)/(2*t),0]]dot product of 2 vect in sol2 (%o3) dot product of 2 vect in 
> sol2(%o4) 0make trig substitution (%o6) 
> [[1,-(sqrt(4*t^2+q^2-2*p*q+p^2)-q+p)/(2*t),0],[-1,-(sqrt(4*t^2+q^2-2*p*q+p^2)+q-
> p)/(2*t),0]](%o13) 0(%o14) [-6646.288740236717]
> Ram 