On 9/15/07, Richard Fateman <fateman at cs.berkeley.edu> wrote:
> I suspect that a large number of maxima users run Windows. (probably there
> are download statistics to tell us).
> I don't know how easy it would be to make your design work on windows, or if
> it would be less work to get (say) GCL or CLISP or whatever future
> "standard" common lisp on windows is used, to just call LLL in another
> library.
I think that's certainly the right way to go. The usually-cited obstacle
is the lack of CFFI for GCL. I don't know how much work it is to make
it happen. At this point we might just forge ahead with CFFI anyway.
Clisp and SBCL can run on Windows. Clisp has fewer bugs than GCL
but it is slower. SBCL is approximately as fast as GCL but the Windows
port has some bugs, but GCL has bugs too. At this point Windows SBCL
might be an even trade for GCL in the bug department; dunno for sure.
Robert Dodier