finding subterms in a bigger term

Hi Stavros,

One last question

On Monday 17 September 2007, Stavros Macrakis wrote:
> I guess I don't understand your requirement. What exactly is the
> transformation you are trying to perform?  Please give us both the input
> and the output of the transformation.

How did you determine the 5 in the for loop, can't this be done automatically?

> You can write a loop do this systematically, e.g.
>         substabn(ex):=
>           block([newex],
>             for i: 1 thru 5 do
>              while denom(newex: ex*(a+b+i)!/((a+b+i)*(a+b+i-1)!))=1
>                    do ex:newex,
>             ex)
