reading integers from a stream

Thanks again!

I am sorry I have sent so many messages on a maybe
no so relevant topic. This is probably caused by the
fact that I don't know much lisp.

What I wanted to do was maybe too general.
I can do without it:
I'll use a path in the /tmp directory with no capital letters.

What I wanted was to have the path as a Maxima variable,
so that the user could choose that path by setting a Maxima varianle.
Something like
SERVER_PATH : "/blabla/...";
and then use my routine which reads from the file at the path
given by the variable.
The data from this file are integer numbers which I
wanted to read as such in order to avoid "parse_string".



On Thu, 20 Sep 2007, Richard Fateman wrote:

> If you are always reading the same file, then consider this function, in
> lisp, which you may load in to maxima.
> (defun $readnums_from_lll_server()
>  (let ((ans nil) (n 0))
>    (with-open-file (s "/lll_server/lll_server.fifo")
>    (loop while  (setf n (read s nil nil))do   ;; read until there are no
> more numbers, when read will return nil
> 				(push n ans)))
>    (cons '(mlist) (nreverse ans))))  ;;make a Maxima list by putting a
> header on it.
> Instead of seeking a more and more complicated solution, I hope this
> encourages you to use a simple one.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: maxima-bounces at
>> [mailto:maxima-bounces at] On Behalf Of Fabrizio Caruso
>> Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2007 9:11 AM
>> To: van Nek
>> Cc: maxima at
>> Subject: Re: [Maxima] reading integers from a stream
>> Thanks
>> It could work but as you said it would not
>> work in the next version of Maxima.
>> So maybe I should find some other solution or
>> simply give up for the moment using directories with
>> capital letters when using files in Maxima.
>> Hoping that the next version of Maxima allows
>> reading integers from stream even those
>> whose paths have capital letters.
>>    Thanks anyway
>>    Fabrizio
>> On Thu, 20 Sep 2007, van Nek wrote:
>>> Hi Fabrizio,
>>> I checked on ubuntu that openr handles paths case sensitive.
>>> parsetoken (which won't be in Maxima 5.14 anymore) uses the
>> Lisp parser, so perhaps it is
>>> faster than parse_string.
>>> I hope the below code can help you.
>>> Volker van Nek
>>> /home/volker/Work/myFile.txt:
>>> 123 234 345
>>> 456 567 678
>>> 789 890 900
>>> (%i1) stream: openr("/home/volker/Work/myFile.txt");
>> /home/volker/Work/myFile.txt
>>> @1>
>>> (%i2) while ( stringp( line: readline(stream) ) ) do (
>>> listOfStrings: split(line),
>>> listOfNumbers: if stringp(listOfStrings[1]) then
>> map(parsetoken,listOfStrings) else [],
>>> print(listOfNumbers) );
>>> [123, 234, 345]
>>> [456, 567, 678]
>>> [789, 890, 900]
>>> []
>>> (%o2)                                done
>>> (%i3) close(stream);
>>> (%o3)                                true
>>> Am 20 Sep 2007 um 16:43 hat Fabrizio Caruso geschrieben:
>>>> It seems to work in a non-case-sensitive way.
>>>> I am using Linux and the path has most of the times
>>>> at leat one capital letter.
>>>> If I do this
>> ?open(?"//home/caruso//Work//code//c++//ntl_server//lll_server
>> //lll_server.fifo"),
>>>> I get
>>>> nonexistent directory: #P"/home/caruso/work/"
>>>> Is there a solution?
>>>>    Fabrizio
>>>> On Thu, 20 Sep 2007, Richard Fateman wrote:
>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>> RJF:
>>>>>> You may be able to read integers separated by new lines or by
>>>>>> spaces by
>>>>>> using lisp.
>>>>>> Try foo:?open(filename);
>>>>>>  ?read(foo); ?read(foo); ....
>>>>>> Getting the filename in the right form, as a string, may
>> be tricky.
>>>>>> RJF
>>>>> Hint  ...  Try   foo:?open(?"c:\\temp\\numbers")    for example.
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