does solve fail on sin(x)=sin(x) ?

Dear "list",

I thought I started to understand the difference of solve, algsys etc. and the
meaning and usage of the switches (like algexact, realonly etc.). As usual
--while doing some school-level maths-- I tried an trivial example for
calculating zeros of a functions:

(%i) solve(sin(x)+cos(x)=0,x)

With "solveexplicit: false" I get
(%o) [sin(x)=-cos(x)]

and with "solveexplicit: true"
(%o)  []

Hm. Should maxima be able to give the "desired" solution (did I forget some
variable?) or is this a known "bug" (cause the second is clearly false).

I'm using maxima 5.13.0 with clisp 2.41.

Maybe the more experienced users could give me a hint.

Thanks in advance,
