Stavros Macrakis writes:
> On 9/21/07, *Vadim V. Zhytnikov* <vvzhy at <mailto:vvzhy at>>
> wrote:
> Both wxMaxima and xmaxima use sockets to communicate with Maxima kernel.
> It is not required to disable firewall completely to run xmaxima and
> wxMaxima. It is enough to add Maxima to firewall exceptions list.
> It is absolutely safe.
> How does this work? Once I've set the firewall exception, couldn't an
> evildoer connect to my Maxima process from anywhere on the Internet and
> execute arbitrary Maxima/Lisp code?
Surely my words "absolutely safe" is too strong. Situation largely
depends on the firewall program and it's proper configuration.
In built-in Windows XP firewall you can specify concrete executable
and restrict domain of allowed connections to local computer.
Vadim V. Zhytnikov
<vvzhy at>
<vvzhy at>