performance in 64 bits machines.

On Fri, 21 Sep 2007, Vadim V. Zhytnikov wrote:

> Richard Fateman writes:
>> I think you would find it difficult to match two computers that were in all
>> ways identical except that one was 64-bit and the other 32-bit. Maybe you
>> can run the same benchmark on one machine once using 32-bit and once using
>> 64-bit versions of the software.
> Below you can see results in seconds of run_testsuite();
> for Maxima 5.12 on 32-bit and 64-bit Linux 2.6.18 both running on
> Athlon 64 X2 5600+ with 4Gb RAM (same machine, multi-boot):
>                32-bit        64-bit
> clisp 2.41        65            85
> gcl 2.6.8         16.8          18.2
> sbcl 1.0.5        24.8          25.6
> --
>     Vadim V. Zhytnikov
>      <vvzhy at>
>     <vvzhy at>
Which of the times did you take?
No unexpected errors found.
Real time: 205.42165f0 sec.
Run time: 201.72543f0 sec.
Space: 2389969240 Bytes
GC: 929, GC time: 73.06807f0 sec.


Peter Ulrich Kruppa