polynomialp((x^2-1)/(x-1),[x]) returns false. I suggest it might be
supplemented by a program that gets this right.
Here is a definition for a program that might be useful and shows how to use
the CRE form, too
(defun $pp1(z) (let ((varlist nil)) ;; test for polynomial. returns superset
of list of variables
(declare (special varlist))
(setf z ($rat z))
;; if the denominator is a constant, return a macsyma list of the
variables, else false
(if (constantp (cddr z)) (cons '(mlist) (third (car z)))
;; this one requires a little more work, but tells you exactly which
variables are in the
;; polynomial. It will not be fooled by (y^2-1)/(y+1)-y+x. Whereas pp1
will say [x,y], this says [x]
(defun $pp2(z) (let ((varlist nil)) ;; test for polynomial. returns list of
exactly variables
(declare (special varlist))
(setf z($ratdisrep($rat z)))
(setf varlist nil)
(setf z ($rat z ))
(if (constantp (cddr z)) (cons '(mlist) (third (car z)))