(re) open and save maxima-sessions

On 9/24/07, J. Simons <simons17 at xs4all.nl> wrote:

> Can you tell me how and where I can save a Maxima-session (in which
> directory and with which extension) ?

The function "save" copies functions and variables in the current session
into a file. "load" restores the stuff saved. At the input prompt,
? save
? load
should display some information about those functions.

> How can I (re-) open an existing Maxima in such a way that I can see the
> whole session on my screen
> (not only the path of the saved file).

Not sure what you mean exactly, but perhaps the function
"writefile" is useful to you. writefile copies stuff from the console
to a file, so all the input and output is stored. The content of the
file created by writefile cannot be restored.

If you are using the wxMaxima user interface, I believe there is
a way to export the current session as HTML. Maybe someone
who uses wxMaxima can say something about that.

Hope this helps,

Robert Dodier