> I found some issues in emacs interface to maxima.
> I'm using 5.13 and emacs-22-gtk on altlinux 4.0.
> 1)Uncomment does not work. It simply put additional coments marks
> instead. This option is quite useful. Does not work for me nor from
> keyboard nor from emacs menu.
This funny seems can be solved with simple correction in maxima.el
(defun maxima-uncomment-region (beg end)
"`uncomment-region' to use with the menu."
(interactive "r")
(comment-region beg end (universal-argument)))
(defun maxima-uncomment-region (beg end)
"uncomment-region' to use with the menu."
(interactive "r")
(uncomment-region beg end (universal-argument)))
;-) Please change it in cvs.
BTW cvs from SF is so slow that I can not renew my cvs tree from Irutsk
can I ask sommebody to make tar archive?
kind regards