plotting points

On 9/30/07, pol <linux_milano at> wrote:
> Using wxmaxima 0,7.1 with maxima 5.12.0
> i get different results, plotting points, than in previous versions.
> As an example, take the function
> f(x):=3*x
> and define the lists:
> xl:create_list(x,x,[-1,0,1,2])
> yl:create_list(f(x),x,[-1,0,1,2])
> then try to plot points:
>   plot2d([discrete,xl,yl],[gnuplot_curve_styles,["with points pointtype 5
> pointsize 1"]])
> or
> wxplot2d([discrete,xl,yl],[gnuplot_curve_styles,["with points pointtype 5
> pointsize 1"]])
> I get a continuos plot in ranges [x,-1,2], [y,-3,6]
> Using maxima 5.10, without wxmaxima, i get a plot with points, as expected.
> What has changed?

Yes, plot2d style options have changed. I think that in maxima 5.13
the corresponding options would be

plot2d([discrete, xl,yl],[style,[points,1,5]]);
