On 10/2/07, Chris Sangwin <sangwinc at for.mat.bham.ac.uk> wrote:
> I am looking for a counterpart to the variable
> integration_constant_counter
> which will allow me to change the name of the variable from the slightly
> unwieldy "integrationconstant" to something like "k".
It turns out that the name of the variable is hard-coded as
Well, that's a little clumsy. i've attached a patch which creates a new
variable integration_constant and assigns it the default value '%c.
If you like k better I think you can just write integration_constant : 'k .
(I didn't actually test the code because I don't know an example
which causes Maxima to emit the integration constant.)
There are also constants %c and %k1 and %k2 which appear in
results from the differential equation code. It appears that
those can't be changed. Dunno if we should attempt to unify the
constants for integrals and differential equations.
Robert Dodier
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