Hello experts and others,
I haven't been able to create a plot2d eps file with all or separate plot
elements drawn
with lines in the color black.
The console plot2d display the colors available now are
0=black,1=blue,2=red,3=violet,4=dark green,5=dark brown,6=medium green,
7=black, 8=blue, etc cyclically. (-2=drk brn, -1=med green).
Using the syntax: [style, [lines, nw, nc] ] inside plot2d(...) plus
the required brackets to create an eps file results in the same set of
colors, except 0 and 7 are aquamarine (not black), and
5 is yellow, not dark brown.
I tried using the gnuplot_preamble route as in:
dotest2(n1,n2,n3,nw) := block([ flist ],
flist : [sin(x),sin(x - 0.2),sin(x - 0.4) ],
plot2d( flist ,[x,0,2*%pi],
[style,[lines,nw,n1] ,[lines,nw,n2],[lines,nw,n3] ],
[gnuplot_preamble,"set xzeroaxis; set style line 0 lc black; set nokey"],
) )$
but this resulted in a blank (no pic) eps file when run as" dotest(0,1,2,6)
when looked at with gsview. The offending element is the " set style line
0 lc black "
piece, because without that piece, I get normal picture displayed by
clicking on the eps file.
Is my syntax wrong, or am I trying to achieve the impossible with plot2d ,
or is there
another fix, or must I use draw2d??
Ted Woollett
Windows XP, Maxima 5.13a