Windows installation problem - no output

Hello Everyone

I am a newbie trying to get maxima 5.13.0 running on my centrino laptop with windows XP, SP2. After standard installation wxMaxima and xMaxima runs, but maxima self does not. I have tried to start maxima in shell with the installed batch-script "maxima.bat" and get no output at all. With "-v" (verbose) I get:

C:\Programme\Maxima-5.13.0\bin>maxima.bat -v

C:\Programme\Maxima-5.13.0\bin>if "gcl" == "gcl" goto dogcl

C:\Programme\Maxima-5.13.0\bin>C:\Programme\Maxima-5.13.0\lib\maxima\5.13.0\binary-gcl\maxima.exe -eval "(cl-user::run)" -f -- -v

C:\Programme\Maxima-5.13.0\bin>goto end

This information helps me very little, so any advice what I could now try would be very nice. I have searched the help and mailing lists without results. Is there some dependency that I am not aware of?

Thank you in advance.

Best regards
