stacking two matrices

On Sat, Oct 27, 2007 at 09:02:00AM +0000, Wolfgang Lindner wrote:
> A somewhat general wish is to insert a matrix ('row') at a special
> position. . .

In the more general case you'll need a function like this:

    insertrows(A, B, i) := block([n],
      head(A, n) :=
      if n > 0
      then head(submatrix(length(A), A), n - 1)
      else A,
      tail(A, n) :=
      if n > 0
      then tail(submatrix(1, A), n - 1)
      else A,
      n: length(A),
      addrow(head(A, n - i), B, tail(A, i)));

For instance:

    (%i2) A: matrix([1,2],[3,4],[5,6])$
    (%i3) B: matrix([a,b],[c,d])$
    (%i4) insertrows(A, B, 2);
    [ 1  2 ]
    [      ]
    [ 3  4 ]
    [      ]
    [ a  b ]
    [      ]
    [ c  d ]
    [      ]
    [ 5  6 ]