Thanks for the suggestion.
It seems that the function set_partitions() might be used as follows:
For the set A = {1,2,3....,n}, n>=3, let nx = n/2 if n is even and nx =
floor(n/2) + 1 if n is odd.
What seems to be needed is all the partitions of the set A where each
partition consists of nx sets. If nx is even then each of these sets must
have two elements.
If nx is odd then (nx-1) of these sets must have two elements and the last
set will have one element.
Now set_partitions(A,nx) generates the above, but also many other partitions
not satisfying the above. Its not clear how to get rid of these unwanted
For example:
(%i167) set_partitions(set(1,2,3,4),2);
(%o167) {{{1},{2,3,4}},{{1,2},{3,4}},{{1,2,3},{4}},{{1,2,4},{3}},
Any assistance would be appreciated.
C. Frangos.
On Saturday 27 October 2007 15:34, you wrote:
> -----maxima-bounces at wrote: -----
> >First compute the lists of indices of all the combinations of
> >pairs of terms
> >
> >L1 = [[1,2],[3]]
> >L2 = [[2,3],[1]]
> >L3 = [[1,3],[2]]
> The function set_partitions might be helpful:
> (%i17) set_partitions(set(1,2,3));
> (%o17) {{{1},{2},{3}},{{1},{2,3}},{{1,2},{3}},{{1,2,3}},{{1,3},{2}}}
> BW