batch(<name>,test) is now sort of broken

Yes, batch(., 'test) now *simplifies* the expected result, but
it no longer uses ratsimp to compare the expected and computed
results. Before this change, tests of functions such as factor
were mostly bogus. Examples:

/* fails */

x * (x+1);

/* fails */
expand(x * (x+1));

/* pass */

''(expand(x * (x + 1)));


maxima-bounces at wrote on 10/29/2007 10:26:55 AM:

> Hi
> It seems that the behaviour of batch has changed.
> My test do not work because things that are
> equal are considered different if they are not identical
> and I haven't found a way to force them to be identical.
> Example:
> computed result is:
> ... - (2 a x^2 + 3 b x + 4 x)/4 ...
> I write the identical thing as expected output
> but maxima reorders the addends and shows during the test:
> ... -(4 c + 3 b x + 2 a x^2)/4 ...
> and batch says that
> results differs from the expected results
> Is there a solution to this problem.
>    Fabrizio
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