Wxmaxima does not save user's answers to maxima's questions

I don't use wxmaxima, but it sounds as though it recalculates all the
results, so it isn't so much a saved worksheet as a saved batch file.
In that case, it is normal and useful to reask questions because the
assumptions may be different on different runs.

If on the other hand the assumptions remain the same from run to run,
you can tell Maxima in advance using assume(k>0) etc.


On 10/31/07, Paul Smith <phhs80 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear All,
> Suppose that you have done some calculations in wxmaxima that ask for
> an user answer, like "is k positive?". Then, you save your worksheet.
> Afterwards, you open your wxmaxima worksheet and you have to answer
> *again* to all questions asked by maxima before. How can one avoid
> this, i.e., how can one have wxmaxima answering maxima questions
> according to one's answers already given before saving the worksheet?
> Thanks in advance,
> Paul
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