Wxmaxima does not save user's answers to maxima's questions
Subject: Wxmaxima does not save user's answers to maxima's questions
From: Stavros Macrakis
Date: Wed, 31 Oct 2007 12:33:09 -0400
On 10/31/07, Paul Smith <phhs80 at gmail.com> wrote:
> ...Often, one does not want to make assumptions
> regarding the sign of certain expressions, because one wants to know
> the result of the calculations for all possible signs of the
> expressions. For instance, in my current worksheet, I have to answer
> maxima over 20 times, that is rather tedious. I think that wxmaxima
> would save the user of this tedious answering task if it gave the
> option to the user of recording also his/her answers before saving the
> worksheet.
But the scope of the answers is just one computation, so what should it
save? Consider:
Is x p, n, or z? p
=> p
Is x p, n, or z? n
=> p
This would have to be changed to something like
(assume(x>0), temp: asksign(x), forget(x>0), temp) => p
(assume(x<0), temp: asksign(x), forget(x<0), temp) => n
What's more, it is perfectly legal and reasonable for user code to make
assumptions dynamically....