
On 10/31/07, Jaime Villate <villate at> wrote:

> 1- I meant the user to be able to redefine the function
> gnuplot_color(some_number) to set up different colors.
> However, since that function is compiled in Maxima, the user
> redefinition of it will be ignored by plot2d. I need a more experienced
> Maxima programmer to teach me how to define a function in
> src/gnuplot.lisp such that the user can redefine it.

It's not how the function is defined, but how it is called.

If gnuplot_color is called via FUNCALL in src/gnuplot.lisp,
then a Maxima function definition gnuplot_color(c) := ...
is ignored. But if it is called via MFUNCALL, then the
Maxima function definition supersedes the existing definition.

Hope this helps

Robert Dodier