Am 4 Nov 2007 um 21:53 hat Robert Dodier geschrieben:
> Let's put some tests for this new code in the test suite.
The problem we had with ceiling(%i^%i), which I believe is fixed by your change in
nummod.lisp, showed that there might be some more unexpected interferences.
I hope, I wasn't too quick. Definitely all interferences with PI and E should be tested.
Which is the test file for things concerning this subject?
> I suppose this means we will need to identify a canonical source
> of pi and e digits .... Also we need to be careful about bigfloat
> comparison in the test code. At present the test code allows a
> nonzero difference between expected and actual results.
> Perhaps we'll need to phrase some tests as is(expected=actual),
> i.e. test for literal equality. That may be too strict.
As written in my last mail (on the list) the results aren't exactly the same. There is a nonzero
> Wikipedia claims that Bill Gosper computed pi to 17*10^6 digits
> via a Ramanujan formula in 1985. I think that was after his work
> on Macsyma so I guess that code must not be in Maxima.
Ramanujan and Chudnovsky are of type O(N^2). So with my machine (Pentium 600 Mhz) I
expect 48 hours of computing for 17*10^6 digits.