Installing maxima on MacOS-X Leopard

>Jean-Paul Roy wrote
> I notice that binaries are available for Windows. Should I abandon my
> Unix machine (Mac) for a superior Windows machine to run Maxima ?
>  Sheldon Newhouse wrote >
> Actually, I prefer to install maxima from source directly.  That way I 
> keep various versions,
> if a new version breaks some things I need. Recall that maxima is 
> constantly being developed,
>  and some things change for the worse in a new version, only to be fixed 
> later.

As a dedicated windows xp user who is delighted to have windows binaries
do the install work and worry about subtleties, I would like to assure
all who are considering using "Windoze" that there is no problem with 
keeping previous
versions of Maxima around.

I have versions 9.3, 12, and 13 available, since the windows binary
installs the later versions in differently named directories under Program 

I have spent years working on research problems with unix systems and
am happy to be a windows user now.

Ted Woollett