Assuming not equal to

On Nov 7, 2007 12:13 PM, Barton Willis <willisb at> wrote:
> Attached is a putative fix ($ratsimp --> sratsimp and insert on sratsimp to
> argument of csign in the function meqp-by-csign)
>   (%i1) load("compar-fix.lisp")$
>   (%i2) assume(notequal(k,1))$
>   (%i3) is(equal(k,1));
>   (%o3) false
> Let us know if this resolves your problem. I apologize for the bug--I think
> it was my code that was the problem. I've made this $ratsimp instead of
> sratsimp bug before--not long ago, Stavros found this same problem in my
> topoly code.

You do not have to apologize, Barton. We all do mistakes!

It works fine after having loaded the file that you sent.
