Interesting Comment re Mathematica vs Everybody Else
Subject: Interesting Comment re Mathematica vs Everybody Else
From: Bill Wood
Date: Thu, 15 Nov 2007 14:42:00 -0600
I don't know if anyone has been following a recent thread on the PLT
Scheme mailing list discussing Mathematica, but it is interesting. The
thread started out discussing marketing hype about being superior to any
other programming language out there and then moved to Mathematica's
position among the available CAS'. Here is a recent comment by a David
On Nov 15, 2007 2:03 PM, <jerzy.karczmarczuk at> wrote:
> David Einstein writes:
> ...
> > Full disclosure: I have friends at Wolfram
> ...
> > Mathematica is a very good, almost indispensable, tool for symbolic
> > mathematics. Other than the marketing department, it makes little
> > pretense to being a general purpose programming language.
> I wonder how far from the marketing department this term "almost
> indispensable" has been cooked, in view of the existence of Maple,
> MuPAD, Axiom, Macsyma/Maxima, perhaps MacCaulay2, GAP, etc., etc.
I have not played with Maple or MuPAD for five years or so, and so
cannot really compare them now. Five years ago Mathematica seemed to
handle more of the problems that I threw at it, and that was before I
knew anyone from Wolfram. Every few months I look at Axiom, Maxima,
sympy etc..., but frankly they are not close to being in the same
league, and seem to be losing ground over time (I would have expected
computer algebra to be a place where open source would shine, but
alas, it seems not.) The Sage project seems to have promise, but
right now it looks like a bunch of distinct tools and a lot of duct
The more specialized tools like MacCaulay, CoCoA, Gap, Pari/GP, 4ti2,
etc. are amazing in their niches, but have no pretenses to being
widely applicable.
> Jerzy Karczmarczuk