How to use maxima as a lisp library?

Hello Robert,

thanks for your answer.

On 23.11.2007 18:57, Robert Dodier wrote:
> If you tell us more about what you are trying to accomplish,
> maybe we can give some more specific advice.

I will try to clearify what i would like to do.
Till now i am doing the symbolic part of mathematical calculations in
maxima and then use infix->prefix macro to use the equations in my lisp
application (3d percolation, crystallization of polymers).
I would like to integrate maxima into my application more direct, like a
library - not the other way round (calling my lisp-code from maxima),
because I somehow rely on slime to write lisp.

> Calling from Lisp to Maxima is a little harder. Functions defined
> in Maxima are not usually ordinary Lisp functions. You can call
> Maxima functions via mfuncall or mapply1. To evaluate an
> arbitrary Maxima expression, (meval my-expr).

I did not find either of {mfuncall, mapply1, meval} in the index of the
info-files - I think lisp-apropos/describe will help. First I try to use
maxima from lisp, maybe then this question will be obsolete, too:
How can I deal with maxima asking questions (e.g. is xyz positive,
negatibe ...) if I use {meval, mfuncall, mapply1...}?

Thanks for this pointers:
> See also the stuff about translation and compilation in the reference manual.

> There is some stuff about Lisp & Maxima in the document "Minimal Maxima".

> This newsgroup post describes how to load & save a modified Maxima image.

P.S: I am a lisp beginner, so it will take some time.

best regards,