How to do matrix operation programatically in lisp

On Mon, 26 Nov 2007 11:26:27 -0500, Raymond Toy (RT/EUS)  
<raymond.toy at> wrote:

> Kun Lin wrote:
>>  My ultimate goal is to use maxima as the backbone of all my  
>> mathematical  computing needs (symbolic, matrices ...) in writing lisp  
>> programs.  Can maxima do this?   Another idea is maybe my lisp code can  
>> call a .mac file.  I am just not sure what would be the best approach.
> I'm curious why you don't just want to use maxima itself and add the  
> necessary stuff you need in Lisp?  You certainly can use maxima as a  
> library for your Lisp code, but that seems backward.
> At least if you do it this way, you get a nice repl with more "typical"  
> mathematical syntax.
> Ray

> I'm curious why you don't just want to use maxima itself and add the  
> necessary stuff you need in Lisp?  You certainly can use maxima as a  
> library for your Lisp code, but that seems backward.


   My reason mostly is to stay in the emacs/slime development environment.
   I guess i just really like C-c C-k (compile file) or C-M-x (compile  
   In addition, since i am a beginner C-c C-d d and C-c C-d h really helps.

   But you are right, there is nothing that i can do in slime i cant do in  
maxima (i am using xMaxima).

   Again, i am a totally novice in both Maxima and Lisp, so this is me  
figuring things out (with high possibility of
   go down the wrong path).

   Any feedback is greatly appriciated.

- Kun