hello sir,
I merely tried the first few examples in the README
and they seemed to confirm what the README said: that
it does not work. So I didn't think it important to
give details. I guess I misunderstood the program.
Here are the first two listed examples:
(%i1) load(format)$
(%i2) format((a+b*x)*(c-x)^2,%poly(x),%factor);
Maxima encountered a Lisp error:
Error in DO [or a callee]: The function LSH is undefined.
(%i3) format((1+2*a+a^2)*b + a*(1+2*b+b^2),%sum,%product,%factor);
Maxima encountered a Lisp error:
Error in MAP1 [or a callee]: Caught fatal error [memory may be damaged]
On other examples, it works as advertised. I'm using v 5.13
on winxp. Perhaps I haven't loaded some necessary auxiliary files?
On Nov 29, 2007 1:03 PM, Richard Fateman <fateman at cs.berkeley.edu> wrote:
> 1. The author of 'format' chose not to include his modified pois2m.lisp
> file. However, the existing file pois2.lisp has most of the functionality
> already. Probably the version of pois2 could be modified in the same way if
> anyone needed this.
> 2. Unless you are doing large-scale trigonometric series, pois is
> irrelevant.
> 3. If you wish to report problems in 'format' or 'pois' or any other
> program, it would be helpful to be more explicit with examples.
> RJf
> > -----Original Message-----
> >
> > the readme for 'format' says:
> > * As of the inital import of the code, it does not work
> > * with the current Maxima.
> >
> > it actually does work on some examples, crashes others, and
> > gives unexpected results in yet others.