Looking for a 64-bit build with large memory limit

I frequently running out of memory when using Maxima.  From what I can
tell Maxima/GCL is artificially limiting itself to a fairly small
amount of memory  (quite annoying when you actually have several GiB
of physical memory available).

This happens even when using the 64bit Ubuntu package for Maxima.  I
presume this is because GCL's default settigns (Ubuntu package is
built only for GCL) limit it to tiny amounts of memory.

So..  Before I spend the time trying to build GCL and Maxima from
source so that I can up the memory parameters..  Is there already a
64bit build available (for either Windows XP x64 or Ubuntu Linux) that
I can use which has much larger memory settings?

PS.  I'm very new to Maxima - but I like what I see so far.  :D

Paul Richards