spam messages coming in via maxima mailing list

Hi Robert,

> I've been receiving some spam messages lately via the Maxima mailing list.
> Gmail lets them through because (from what I can tell from reading the
> message headers) Gmail assumes is not sending spam.

I have been receiving the same messages as you, but I don't think they
come vie the Maxima mailing list despite what is written in the headers.
I guess these messages are delivered to anyone listed as moderator for
a mailing list at Can anybody proof me wrong by 
confirming, that ordinary subscribers get these messages too?

(The messages come from mailman-bounces instead of maxima-bounces.)

> Is it possible that a host at UT has been compromised?
> (Well, it is certainly possible, but how can we tell, is the question.)

I haven't been able to figure out which of the headers are real and
which are fake, but I can only think of two possible explanations:
a) Something is wrong at UT 
b) There is an exploit for mailman 

The real question is: Can we do anything about it besides waiting for
the UT staff to fix the problem?
