Looking for a 64-bit build with large memory limit

Paul Richards wrote:
> On 05/12/2007, Stavros Macrakis <macrakis at alum.mit.edu> wrote:
>> On Dec 5, 2007 3:36 PM, Paul Richards <paul.richards at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> ...I think it has an 8GiB limit by default, which for what I'm trying
>> to
>>> solve still wasn't enough.
>>>> What kind of equations are they?
>>> ...
>>> (The crux of the equation is tri-linear interpolation between 8 vectors.)
>> So you're generating the 3 equations and calling solve, and it is running
>> out of memory?  I would suspect an infinite loop/recursion, and would not
>> expect that more memory would help.  What's more, I'd expect the solution,
>> if it exists in closed form, to be enormous.  What would you do with it?
> I'd search for Maxima's "export expression to C code" function; then
> paste it into my program and see if it's any faster than the numerical
> solver I implemented as a stop gap while waiting on finding a closed
> form solution..

I don't think there's an export to C function.  There's an export to 
Fortran function, though.

In any case, I doubt this would be useful.  If you run out of memory 
computing the solution (barring bugs in maxima), the solution is 
probably huge.  Just running that in C/Fortran may not work well either 
because the symbolic solution doesn't care about numerical issues. 
You'd probably have to massage the equations somehow.

> To be honest the numerical solver I have is accurate and fast enough
> already.  Though, I'm still curious to see if a closed form solution
> exists and would be faster...

Surely there are more important things to do than make your already fast 
enough numerical solver even faster. :-)

Ray, who's guilty of silly microoptimizations too