Maxima gives incorrect results with ceiling

Hello Mike,

I think, with floating point numbers every system will give an incorrect answer. The precision 
is just 16, nothing more. Try bigfloats:

(%i1) fpprec:100$
(%i2) ceiling(factorial(50)/bfloat(%e));
(%o2)  11188719610782480504630258070757734324011354208865721592720336801

Volker van Nek

Am 6 Dec 2007 um 18:58 hat Mike Hansen geschrieben:

> Hello,
> When working with large numbers and floating point arithmetic, maxima
> gives incorrect answers.  For example,
> (%i5) ceiling(factorial(50)/exp(1));
> (%o5)  11188719610782480421414879249141773426630319613740326700720324608
> The correct result should be
> 11188719610782480504630258070757734324011354208865721592720336801 .
> What is the best way to go about fixing this issue?
> Thanks,
> Mike
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