I think the facsum bug is due to a broken opmap function (defined in
/share/simplification/genut.mac). The change from symbol to string
operators causes a problem for way opmap uses (or abuses) ?getf.
/* LST is an alternating list of operators and associated functions.
OP_FCN_LIST is used to pass LST to recursive calls to OPMAP. */
opmap_x(exp,lst) :=
if atom(exp)
then exp
else block([fun:?getf(?cdr(lst),inpart(exp,0))],
if fun#false
then block([op_fcn_list:lst],
else exp)$
Proposed replacement:
opmap(exp, lst) := block([op_fcn_list : lst, e_op, x, fun : 'false, inflag
: 'true],
if mapatom(exp) then exp
else (
e_op : op(exp),
while lst # [ ] do (
x : first(lst),
lst : rest(lst),
if x = e_op and lst # [ ] then (
fun : first(lst),
lst : [ ])),
if fun = 'false then exp else apply(fun, [exp])))$
Additionally, I changed atom to mapatom. I think this change is better for
like facsum(x[1], x[1]).
I think we need to fix facsum before a 5.14.0 release.