How to deal with r^(bfloat(2/3))/r^(2.0/3)

maxima-bounces at wrote on 12/13/2007 09:53:57 AM:

> Stavros has the right idea to look again at what you were doing. 
> A rule like changing numbers less than 1.0b-16 to zero is questionable. 
> then any use of  r^(float) in Maxima is unusual, so maybe nothing else 
> break.

I agree that such a rule is questionable. But if you still want to do it,
a standard Maxima programming idiom will do the trick:

  f(e) := if mapatom(e) then <do something> else apply(op(e), map(f, 

I mention this because the idiom is useful, not because I think that
expunging floating point "fuzz" is a good thing to do.
