number of variables in a multivariable polynomal ?

-----maxima-bounces at wrote: -----

> Is there a function in maxima which will extract the number of
>variables in a user defined polynomial of several variables?
>E.g. let's call such a function 'num_vars'.
>    It should have the property that if
>      p= -2*x[1]^3*x[5]^4 + x[1]*x[6]
>  then
>    num_vars(p)=6

I see 3 variables in p, not 6. The variables are x[1], x[5], and x[6]. So I
understand why you say it has 6. The largest subscript on x is 6 -- is
that what you want? If not,

(%i1) num_vars(x) := block([listconstvars : false], length(listofvars(x)))$
(%i2) num_vars(-2*x[1]^3*x[5]^4 + x[1]*x[6]);
(%o2) 3
