A Question about MPLUS without SIMP flag

On Dec 17, 2007 4:07 AM, cc <schnaps_w at hotmail.com> wrote:

> i have a question about the Lisp interface of Maxima.
>     In Lisp
>                (defun $test(expr) (print expr) )
>     In Maxima
>                 test(a + b);
>     Output
>                 ((MPLUS SIMP) a b)
>     Expectant output
>                 ((MPLUS) a b)
> Does Maxima always change the format of Inputs to ((FunctionName Flag)
> parameters)?
> How can i get my function of Maxima without simplification in Lisp?

The Maxima evaluator simplifies all intermediate results.  You can turn off
simplification with simp:false, but beware!: Most Maxima unctions expect
simplified input and may return incorrect results with unsimplified input.
