WMI 2.1 (Christmas release) is here, http://matek.hu/info/matekhu21en.html


WMI 2.1

The developer team of *WMI2 <http://matek.hu/>* is happy to announce their
continuously developed e-Learning software which reached the milestone
version 2.1. This new version is capable to provide about 70 selected
symbolic and numerical operations from a wide range of areas of mathematics.
The targeted audience is college and university students at the age of
14?21. Besides solving equations or plotting 2 and 3 dimensional functions,
*WMI2* can also differentiate and integrate, moreover factorizing and
expanding of expressions are also built in. *WMI2* has a clear user
interface allowing the user to see his input and output formulas in a
worksheet which can be saved or printed at any time. *WMI2* also has a
background database of private mathematics teachers offering commercial
support if a student is in a need.

  *Fig. 1. *WMI2 in action

Main developers of *WMI2*, Zoltan
Kovacs<http://wmi.math.u-szeged.hu/%7Ekovzol>and Robert
Vajda <http://www.math.u-szeged.hu/%7Evajda>; are members of the research and
lecturer staff of University of Szeged <http://www.u-szeged.hu/>;, Bolyai
Institute <http://www.math.u-szeged.hu/>;. *WMI2* is currently available in
English and Hungarian, based on the Maxima <http://maxima.sf.net/>; computer
algebra system, the gnuplot <http://www.gnuplot.info/>; function plotting
tool and the formconv <http://formconv.sf.net/>; formula converter. Hardware
support is provided by Part?ci? BT. <http://particio.com/>;, a Hungarian
software company committed to Linux based development of mathematical

Version 2.0 of *WMI2* has been published world-wide in October 2007. It has
been being reached by about 100?150 hits per day and served about 5000
different calculations in selected areas of mathematics. *WMI2*, which is
free of charge, was supported by the Hungarian Ministry of Information and
Communication in 2003. Version 2.0 and 2.1 was supported by the Ministry of
Education, Taiwan.

 *Fig. 2. *WMI 2.1 on an Asus EeePC

User feedback is highly appreciated. Please contact the developers at
info at matek.hu. Your donation via PayPal is also welcome.

Related articles:

   - Tutorial <http://matek.hu/doc/intro_en.html>;
   - Version 1.0 <http://matek.hu/1>;
   - Bug reporting tool <http://wmi.sf.net/2/bugs>;
   - Web page of Bolyai Institute <http://www.math.u-szeged.hu/>;
   - Downloads (on SourceForge) <http://sf.net/projects/wmi>;
   - WMI2 on Google Groups <http://groups.google.com/group/wmi2>;