Matrix VS Arrays


I'm really disordered in this difference.

How can I write the matrix on function? I try this:

(%i28) func(n,m):=for i:1 thru n do for j:1 thru m do A[i,j]:i+j$

(%i29) A;
(%o29)                                 A
(%i30) A[1,2];
(%o30)                                 3

But what is A? Matrix? Array?

I tried to define matrix with array's help:

(%i8) func(n,m):=(array(A,flonum,n,m),for i:1 thru n do for j:1 thru m do A[i,j]:i+j,M:genmatrix(A,n,m))$
(%i9) func(4,4);

Element and array type do not match:
#0: func(n=4,m=4)
 -- an error.  To debug this try debugmode(true);

But without success :(
I need to define all elements of matrix in function - How can I do this?
Mansur Marvanov <nanorobocop at>