Ei(t), Si(t), Ci(t)

Typically these integrals are done by conversion to hypergeometric 
functions or Meier G functions, integrated and then converted back. 

I'm near email but not Maxima, so I can't try it but there is a package  
specfun in Maxima  that does similar procedures.

The integrability of functions in terms of other functions like erf, Si, 
Ei, Li, nFm, etc. as well as algebraic extensions has been extensively 
studied in the literature, but full implementation of the algorithms to 
run efficiently is difficult.


Alexey Beshenov wrote:
> On Monday 24 December 2007 23:34, Richard Fateman wrote:
>> Your message seems to suggest that this is easy, and that only the lethargy
>> of un-named developers prevents this from happening:) 
> I don't think that it's easy, but I'd like to note that some 
> proprietary/commercial solutions (for example, http://integrals.wolfram.com/) 
> know how to express some special integrals as special functions.
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