Newbie question: testing for lvalue

On 12/31/06, Michel Van den Bergh <michel.vandenbergh at> wrote:

> Hmm, a string is not an lvalue (something that can appear on the
> left hand side of an assignment).  "describe" claims that there is
> a function "stringp" but on my version of maxima stringp appears
> not to do anything. Is this a bug?

It turns out stringp is defined in an add-on package (namely stringproc).
Probably it should move into the main source code.
Be that as it may, the function ?mstringp has the desired effect.
So we can update the test function to

P(e) := (symbolp(e) or subvarp(e)) and not ?mstringp(e);

Sorry, I could have included that to begin with. Hope this helps.
