On Fri, 2008-01-04 at 17:48 +0100, Andrej Vodopivec wrote:
> On Jan 4, 2008 5:11 PM, Rupert Swarbrick <rswarbrick at googlemail.com> wrote:
> > A question for Andrej if he's reading this:
> >
> > 1. Why are you dropping the nzlist stuff? I didn't really understand it,
> > so I presume it's pointless, but can you explain what it did/was
> > supposed to do?
> > 2. (More important) Do you want to use *eql or eql on line 130? I'm not
> > sure though so this is a genuine question!
> >
> *eql is a a maxima list of original equations. eql is a lisp list of
> equations (actually rhs - lhs). nzlist was a macro which counted the
> number of non-trivial equations in *eql. All this was used when solve
> did not get a list of variables to solve for, so it had to get the
> variables from the list of equations. It did this by calling
> listofvars on *eql or eql. This is obviously a bug since eql is not a
> maxima list. The difference between the new behavior and the old is
> only when all equations are trivial and there is no list of variables.
> The new behavior is correct and the old one caused bug 1856636. I
> think this was intended to optimize the calls to listofvars.
> listofvars(a=b) could take a long time when a-b=0.
> HTH,
Ah, thanks. That makes much more sense now.
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