imaxima announcements

On 1/7/08, Yasuaki Honda <yhonda at> wrote:

> I am sorry for the very late response.

No problem, Yasuaki! The wheels of Maxima grind slowly, but
exceedingly fine. 8^)

> Today or tomorrow, I will announce 0.99, which maintains some
> documentation. It would be nice if you can import this package.

OK, no problem, I'll import 0.99.

> > I will import only imaxima, not breqn. I am a little bit worried about
> > importing breqn, so I will assume breqn is separate from Maxima,
> > unless someone wants to convince me otherwise.
> Do you have any specific issues / concerns regarding the possible
> inclusion of breqn package into Maxima?

Well, the problems that I see are that it is fairly large (approx 1 M),
it is under development, it can be used independently of Maxima,
and it is part of a system (LaTeX) which has its own installation process.
breqn really seems like something which wants to be installed separately.

How much work is it to get breqn installed? If it is something comparable
to yum or apt-get or getting Perl stuff from CPAN then I would say that
suggests we don't need to include it with Maxima.

That said, Maxima already includes some other stuff, such as a
copy of texi2html. That's unfortunate, but I guess it sets a precedent.

For the record, I don't see any license problem with breqn
(now that it has a clearly stated license).

Thanks a lot for your work on Imaxima.

