request for comments/improvements/style of first Maxima script

Dear list,

After some experimenting and with some help of people on this
list, i think I have managed to do what I wanted to do with

The thing that I wanted to do was to start from one function f(x) and
create another function phi(x) using some special formula that
contains partial derivatives of f(x).  The description of how it
exactly is done together with my Maxima implementation can be
found at

Summarized, the main purpose of the script is, given an input function
f(x) in s dimensions, show how the output function phi(x) (called
f_periodized(x) in the script) looks like.

Things seem to work, but I am always careful... therefore, since
these are my first steps with Maxima, I would appreciate comments
on and suggestions for improvement of my Maxima script.
Especially things like...

* possible errors or problems that could occur
* coding style: suggestions for improving the readability
* better ways of implementing what I have implemented

... are very welcome!


	"Share what you know.  Learn what you don't."