plot2d options

Have you tried to play with Maxima's Dynamics package - 
?? dynamics


* much at <much at> [2008-01-12 01:11:13 +0100]:

> I try to force maxima to plot graphs of many constant functions  
> without the description which line represents which function. Can I  
> achieve this with wxMaxima interface? (I dont use XMaxima and I dont  
> know graphics programming underlying gnuplot).
> Below is the code:
> reset(f,x);
> f(x):=4*x*(1-x); //dynamical system
> reset(aa,dll,dlls,Aa,Aalf);
> aa:0.745;        //starting point
> dlls:400;        //cut-off the beginning of orbit
> dll:480;         //cut-off the infinite tail
> Aa[0]:aa;
> for i thru dll do Aa[i]:f(Aa[i-1]); //find the orbit
> Aalf:makelist(Aa[i],i,dlls,dll);
> plot2d(Aalf,[x,0,1],[y,0,1]);  //this plots ,,the chaotic Balmer ;) lines"
> //to show the behavior of the orbit
> Unfortunately it shows more chaos than desirable due to
> default configuration of gnuplot. I dont want those labels of functions.
> Best, I would like to choose which of plotted functions are described  
> and how - e.g. why I cant get simply letter g when plotting earlier  
> defined function g instead of lengthy full formula?
> Of course two alternative ways to illustrate the chaos might look as follows:
> ----------------------
> reset(dl,a,a1,b,c);
> a:0.745;
> a1:0.745001;
> b:0.755;
> dl:10;
> reset(A,A1,B,D);
> A[0]:a;
> A1[0]:a1;
> D[0]:A1[0]-A[0];
> B[0]:b;
> for i thru dl do  
> (A[i]:f(A[i-1]),A1[i]:f(A1[i-1]),D[i]:A1[i]-A[i],B[i]:f(B[i-1]));
> reset(Alf,Alf1,Bet,Dalet);
> arg:makelist(i,i,0,dl);
> Alf:makelist(A[i],i,0,dl);
> Alf1:makelist(A1[i],i,0,dl);
> Dalet:makelist(D[i],i,0,dl);
> Bet:makelist(B[i],i,0,dl);
> plot2d([[discrete,arg,Alf],[discrete,arg,Alf1],[discrete,arg,Bet],c],[x,0,dl],[y,0,1]);
> plot2d([discrete,arg,Dalet]);
> -------------------------------
> But I want them all.
> Best regards, K.Le\'sniak
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