Solving equation numerically

(question), numer ;
Justin Harford

the chancellor?s job has come to be defined as "providing parking for  
faculty, sex for the students, and athletics for the alumni."
	Klark Kerr? 1957

On Jan 24, 2008, at 7:35 AM, Dan Soendergaard wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm completely new to Maxima. I use it as a Mathcad replacement in
> Linux which I am truly happy about. Today, I was in class given the
> task to solve the given equation for x,
> sin(x) + x = 2.5*x + 1.5
> In Maxima I entered,
>> solve(sin(x) + x = 2.5*x + 1.5, x);
> which gives me,
> x = 5 * sin(x) + 7.5
> Isn't it possible to solve this equation numerically? I know that I
> should get three results for x since there are three intersection
> points. How do I solve this kind of calculation using Maxima?
> -- 
> Sincerely,
> Dan Sondergaard
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