Hello all,
I am using the following versions of vi as a text editor for my
source code:
bartv at vonneumann:~$ vi --version | grep compiled
VIM - Vi IMproved 7.0 (2006 May 7, compiled Sep 24 2006 14:00:29)
bartv at archimedes:~$ vi --version | grep compiled
VIM - Vi IMproved 7.1 (2007 May 12, compiled Oct 5 2007 00:50:42)
I give all my Maxima scripts a .mac extension.
However, I have the impression that the syntax highlighting is not really good
or working... most of the code is syntax hightlighted in lightblue in my setup.
Does anybody know if it is possible to get better syntax highlighting for
Maxima in vi? And what is the 'official' extension to give to a Maxima script?
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