Maxima on the Asus EEEPC

Easy to install on the EEEPC without changing the original xandros :

CRTL ALT T for the terminal
sudo kwrite /etc/apt/sources.list
add the line :
deb stable main contrib non-free
save the file
sudo synaptic
all the programs for debian may be chosen and installed.
I select maxima + wxmaxima, and then apply.
After that, maxima and wxmaxima work very well (in a terminal, i type 

Best regards

Le Sunday 27 January 2008 10:40:09 Reinhard Oldenburg, vous avez ?crit?:
> Dear Maxima Group,
> I suggest to produce an easy to install version of Maxima for the Asus
> This little Linux machine is interesting for (high) schools as a more
> powerful alternative to computer algebra based calculators. It comes
> packaged with a dynamic geometry system but not with a computer agebra
> system. However, the EEEPC has no rpm and thus it is difficult to
> install Maxima on it.
> I hardly can find the time to do this, anybody else?
> Reinhard Oldenburg
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